Complaint Procedure

Grafterr is committed to providing a quality service for its customers and working in an open and accountable way that builds the trust and respect of all. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to the views of our customers, especially by a positive response to the complaint, and by fixing any mistakes right.

We aim to ensure that:

  • making a complaint is as easy as possible;
  • we treat a complaint as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for an immediate response;
  • we deal with it promptly, politely and, when appropriate, with confidentially;
  • we respond in the right way - for example, with an explanation, or an apology where we have got things wrong, or information on any action taken, etc;
  • we learn from complaints, use them to improve our service, and review annually our complaints policy and procedures.

We recognize that many concerns will be raised informally, and dealt with quickly. An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved. However, if the concerns cannot be dealt satisfactorily, then we ask our customers to follow the procedure mentioned below.

Formal Complaints Procedure

Stage 1

If you are unable to resolve an issue informally, you should contact us directly in writing via email or post and give us a chance to put things right. In your contact email/letter to us, you should set out the details of your complaint, the resulting consequences you have faced, and the remedy that you seek.

You can expect your complaint to be acknowledged within five (5) working days of receipt and you should get an official response within twenty (20) working days.

Our contact details can be found on the 'Contact Us' part of our Grafterr Website -

Stage 2

If you are not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint, then you can write to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) via email or post and ask for a review of your complaint and response received.

You can expect the CEO to acknowledge your request within five (5) working days of receipt and a response within twenty (20) working days.

Grafterr aims to resolve every issue as quickly as reasonably possible. However, certain issues may be more complex and, therefore, may require more time for a thorough investigation. If an issue requires further investigation, you will receive details of what steps are being taken to investigate the complaint, in what timescales an official response can be expected and from whom.

Final Stage

If you are not satisfied with the subsequent reply and action taken by the CEO, then you have the option of writing to any of the following, depending on the nature of your complaint:

Information Commissioner's Office:

Health and Safety Executive: